domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Se filtra el listado de Logros o Trofeos en Mortal Kombat

Vaya que hoy en dia es bastante facil que se filtren las cosas mucho antes de la salida oficial y Mortal Kombat no es la excepcion a esta regla pues el dia de hoy se ha filtrado el listado completo de los logros o trofeos del juego los cuales revelan algunos secretos que suponemos algunos no quieren entererarse asi que advierto de severos SPOILERS!!, y al que no le importe pues siga leyendo para darse cuenta de dos personajes ocultos del juego como Quan Chi o Ciber Sub-Zero xD.

Cyber Challenger (20 points)
Complete 100 Online Matches

Wavenet... (80 points)
Win 100 total Online Matches

Humiliation (10 points)
Get a Flawless Victory in an Online Match

Tough Guy! (10 points)
Win an Online Match

Robots Rule! (10 points)
Win Arcade Tag Ladder with robot Sektor and Cyrax

Outstanding! (60 points)
Win 10 Ranked Online Matches in a row

There Will Be Blood! (40 points)
Spill 10000 pints of blood

License to Kill (20 points)
Complete Fatality Trainer

Ultimate Respect! (20 points)
Earn 2500 Respect Points via King of the Hill Matches

You Will Learn Respect! (10 points)
Earn 1000 Respect Points via King of the Hill Matches

Undertaker (20 points)
Unlock 50% of the Krypt

The Krypt Keeper (20 points)
Unlock 100% of the Krypt

What Does This Button Do?? (10 points)
Complete Arcade Ladder without blocking (allowed to continue)

Fatality! (5 points)
Perform a Fatality!

Block This! (10 points)
Perform a 10-hit combo with any fighter

The Grappler (10 points)
Perform every fighter's forward and backwards throws

Halfway There! (5 points)
Complete Story Mode 50%

Back In Time... (20 points)
Complete Story Mode 100%

A For Effort (10 points)
Complete Tutorial Mode

The Competitor (30 points)
Complete 200 Versus matches (online OR offline)

Ladder Master (20 points)
Complete Arcade Ladder on max difficulty without using a continue

El resto de los logros despues del salto :).

Don't Jump! (10 points)
Win A Ranked Online Match without jumping

Where's The Arcade? (10 points)
Complete Arcade Ladder with Any Fighter

Arcade Champion (40 points)
Complete Arcade Ladder with All Fighters

Finish What You Start! (60 points)
Perform a Fatality with all playable fighters

Tag, You're It! (10 points)
Perform and land a Tag Combo

These Aren't My Glasses! (20 points)
Complete all Test Your Sight mini-game challenges

Tower Apprentice (10 points)
Complete 25 Tower missions

Tower Master (20 points)
Complete all Tower missions

Dim Mak! (20 points)
Complete all Test Your Strike mini-game challenges

I'm Not Dead Yet! (20 points)
Comeback with under 10% health in an Online Ranked Match

e-X-cellent! (10 points)
Successfully land every playable fighter's X-Ray attack

There Can Be Only One! (20 points)
Win 10 King of the Hill Matches in a row

Throws Are For Champs (20 points)
Perform 8 throws in an Online Ranked Match

Turtle! (20 points)
Win both rounds with timer running out in an Online Ranked Match

My Kung Fu Is Strong (20 points)
Gain Mastery of 1 Fighter

My Kung Fu Is Stronger (60 points)
Gain Mastery of All Fighters

I "Might" Be the Strongest (20 points)
Complete all Test Your Might mini-game challenges

Luck Be A Lady (10 points)
Get all MK Dragons in Test Your Luck

You've Got Style! (20 points)
Unlock all Alternate Costumes

Secret Achievements

Complet-ality (10 points)
Perform 1 of each type of "-ality"

Finish Him? (10 points)
Perform any fighter's hidden finishing move

Hide and Seek (10 points)
Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 2 in Arcade Ladder

Pit Master (10 points)
Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 3 in Arcade Ladder

Brotherhood of Shadow (20 points)
Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 4 in Arcade Ladder

Ultimate Humiliation (20 points)
Perform every fighter's hidden finishing move

Quan-Tease (20 points)
Unlock Hidden Fighter "Quan Chi"

You Found Me! (10 points)
Discover and fight Hidden Kombatant 1 in Arcade Ladder

Cold Fusion (20 points)
Unlock Hidden Fighter "Cyber Sub-Zero"

Best...Alternate...Ever! (10 points)
Unlock Mileena's 3rd Alternate Costume

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